Welcome to Google AdSense Story on Donald Trump at the press conference

Welcome to AdSense on Air, a monthly Livestream series designed to offer publishers a wealth of inspiration and technical know-how for their online advertising. Every episode, Google experts will share new products, trends, skills and insights; in order to create happier, better informed AdSense users. We hope you’ll join in and become one of them. The other Trump is right: More than Facebook & Twitter, Google threatens democracy, online freedom President Donald Trump says Google and other tech companies are "treading on very, very troubled territory." (Aug. 28) AP (Photo: Don Ryan/AP) Americans must be wary of powerful institutions that seek to control what we see and hear. As the internet has become an increasingly central part of modern life, Big Tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Google have increasingly sought to become the gatekeepers of the internet and political discourse. Without any sort of democratic ma...