১২ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৮, ১৮:০৪ Faridpur police barrier to the hunger strike

The police barred the city BNP's hunger strike on Wednesday in front of the Barak Barrister of .

Faridpur City BNP's hunger strike program has been blocked. However, district BNP activists observed peaceful hunger strike program.

BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Saturday demanded unconditional release of freedom fighters in front of the District Barrister Barrister Faridpur City on Wednesday morning to observe the hunger strike program. At that time the police removed them from there. Hunger Strikes Against Hunger Program

City BNP president Rezaul Islam, district BNP organizing secretary Advocate Ali Ashraf Nannu, former Juba Dal's former general secretary AKM Kibria Swapan, city BNP general secretary Golam Mostafa Miraj and city's Jubo Dal president Benazir Ahmed were present at that time.

On the other hand, the district BNP celebrated hunger strike in Ambika Memorial Hall premises at the same time demanding the same. Presided over by District BNP Vice-President Shahid Parvez, the meeting was addressed by General Secretary Advocate Syed Modarees Ali Isha, Joint General Secretary Syed Zulfikar Hossain Jewel, BNP leader Afzal Hossain Khan Palash, District Jubo Dal President Rajib Hossain and General Secretary Jahangir Hossain.

Speakers at the meeting said that the immediate release of Khaleda Zia would have to be released unconditionally. Khaleda Zia warned that the government should bear its responsibility.

District BNP celebrated hunger strike on Wednesday in the premises of the Ambika Memorial Hall in Faridpur.

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