Us Mid-Term: How Election Results For Tropp || BBC news ||
Us Mid-Term: How Election Results For Tropp It's taken almost two weeks, but most of the dust has finally settled from the 2018 mid-term elections. What initially appeared to be a mixed picture for Donald Trump and the Republicans has grown darker - but there is a Sunshine State silver lining. On the morning after polling, Mr Trump said the results showed almost a "complete victory". Even at the time that was difficult to square with the reality that his party had lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in eight years. There was the prospect that the Republicans were going to make historic gains in the Senate, however. The president boasted of the possibility of a four-seat pick-up - which would build the largest majority for his party in more than a century. Such a historic win was not to be Here's a look at some of the most significant developments since the first round of election-night instant analyses, many of which were wr...